How can retail managers boost employee productivity with gamification and choice of rewards
Gamification and rewards are two powerful tools that retail managers can use to boost employee productivity. By combining these strategies, managers can create a fun and engaging work environment that motivates employees to work harder and achieve more. The statistics prove this as well. In a survey by the Brandon Hall Group, it was […]
How can retail store managers boost employee productivity and store performance with personalization
Personalization is becoming increasingly important in the retail industry, as customers are seeking more individualized shopping experiences. However, personalization is not only important for customers – it can also be a powerful tool for boosting employee productivity and store performance. A study by Salesforce found that 69% of employees in the U.S. would work […]
Top NextBee features for Retail Store Managers
A Retail Manager Store App can provide store managers with a direct line of communication to their employees, allowing them to send real-time updates, messages, and alerts. This can help improve employee engagement and satisfaction by keeping employees informed, engaged, and connected to the store and its objectives. With a mobile app, you can also […]