We Scale to Meet
Your Needs!

CX360 is the most flexible and scalable solution
for customer engagement.

Engagement Boosters

Customer engagement is about taking customers beyond the transaction. You need to plan and a way to implement proven engagement strategies that connect them to your brand. Here are some top ways to get started.
Branded Mobile Applications

Boost engagement program adoption rates with a branded mobile app (iOS & Android) and even provide a ‘Welcome Aboard Reward’ for downloading.

Profile preference/customization

Maximize the usage of your program by letting your customers customize their dashboard/program to their preferences.

On-boarding Specific engagement activities

Make on-boarding of your new customers more fun and rewarding for them with specific activities and incentives

Event RSVP

Include an Event RSVP to remind your customers they have to meet you, also helps you follow up with ones who haven’t RSVPed yet.

Custom Integrations

A key to strengthening a company’s brand and gaining more sales to integrate customer engagement in ways that make it easy to participate. Below are a few of the key ways we suggest starting
e-Sign Tracking for Customer Contract Signings

Add an e-signature tracking and incentivize your customers for signing up the contract

Sales & Subscription Stage Triggers

Get triggers for each sale and subscription stage, so you know who to reach out to, and continue farming your top accounts.

Receipt uploading for Offline purchases

Have your customers upload the receipts for the offline purchases - reward them and boost sales from all channels.

Embeddable Modules for More Touchpoints

Streamline and connect users to your brand and each other with embeddable modules for all your touchpoints.

Specialty Incentives

Gathering data and aligning your engagement with incentives that make everyone want to participate is key. Here are some ways to create that unique touch for continued & successful engagement.

Branded Gift Cards

Create even more loyalty and drive ROI by offering branded ‘in-house’ rewards.

Account Credits

Need to reactivate customers or provide a higher level of customer service? Offer free products or discounts via ad-hoc points.

Branded Physical Rewards with Drop Shipping

Build brand awareness and free up at least 20 hours a week with automated drop shipping of branded physical rewards.


Personalize rewards and incentives to regions making them more relatable and motivating for the users.

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              Experience the success that in-depth data analysis can bring to your company.
              Register for a Catalyst Account to get started and we’ll connect with you in the next 48 hours.

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                Step 2 - Schedule Appointment

                Experience the success that in-depth data analysis can bring to your company.
                Register for a Catalyst Account to get started and we’ll connect with you in the next 48 hours.

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                Experience the success that in-depth data analysis can bring to your company.
                Register for a Catalyst Account to get started and we’ll connect with you in the next 48 hours.

                Let's Get Started

                  Step 2 - Schedule Appointment

                  Experience the success that in-depth data analysis can bring to your company.
                  Register for a CX360 Account to get started and we’ll connect with you in the next 48 hours.

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