Offer Memorable Shopping Experience: Big Brands Edition

Providing an exceptional purchasing experience is the key to achieving high customer satisfaction levels. It is impossible to have brand advocates and positive word-of-mouth marketing without satisfied consumers.

Never underestimate the influence of consumers. By sharing their experiences online, they can create or destroy a brand.

Aside from that, they have numerous options to choose from and sufficient information to inform their purchase decision.

How to Create a Memorable Purchasing Experience

Do you wonder how you can withstand the test of time and consistently provide exceptional customer experiences? Let us share a few tips.

  1. Create Moments that ‘WOW’ Your Customers: Impressing your consumers by exceeding their expectations is never simple. However, if you are able to do so, the long-term benefits will be yours.
    Create ‘Wow’ moments for your consumers and encourage them to ignore the competition when purchasing your products by going the extra mile.
    It can be as simple as providing exceptional customer service after the sale or resolving our customers’ concerns quickly and courteously. Deliver enough ‘wow’ moments, and consumers will remain loyal.
    How THE PIG Achieved Success (Case Study).
    THE PIG, a culinary garden hotel, desired to enhance the online consumer experience. Through data analysis, they determined what path the majority of consumers took prior to making a reservation.
    This research was then used to improve the booking process and formulate a strategy that could enhance the online and on-site consumer experience.
    They developed a customized booking system that allowed them to simply manage five distinct locations.
    Additionally, they ensured that they always sent the correct messages to their clients. As a consequence, their business increased by 250% and they generated a positive ROI of 319% via PPC and 965 via organic search. And with consistent email engagement, they increased their return on investment by 1,943%.
  2. Encourage Positive Customer Experiences through Customer Engagement: A brand should connect with its customers on a visceral level. The more you maintain a positive attitude, the stronger your relationship will be with your customers.
    Customers appreciate it when you show them appreciation and provide them with regular updates about your brand’s offerings based on their specific interests.
    Maintaining this emotional connection will dramatically enhance your bottom line.
    The Thomas Cook Method (Case Study)
    Thomas Cook invested more time in comprehending consumer itineraries and engaging customers on a regular basis in order to establish more enduring relationships with their target audience.
    To accomplish this, they implemented a highly targeted lead generation programme. They conducted insightful surveys to determine their consumers’ future purchasing intentions.
    This insight into their plans enabled them to send customized messages to users based on their interests and future plans. The messages directed consumers to their reserving page, where they could make reservations.
    During a single quarter, this savvy campaign generated over 15,000 prospects, a 30% increase in engagement through email marketing, and an extraordinary ROI of 7.50:1.
  3. Work Aggressively to Understand Customer Needs: When you use a comprehensive customer engagement platform that aggregates all pertinent customer data from various sources, such as CRM, POS, and more, into a streamlined interface, it saves you the bother of navigating multiple data points.
    Improve your data skills and your understanding of the customer journey. It not only helps you work proactively on delivering new deals to your consumers, but it also identifies any potential problems so you can stop them in their tracks.
    Regularly follow up on customer feedback to enhance the consumer experience throughout the purchase journey.
  4. Always respond personally to customers’ messages and feedback
    Yes, virtually every business says, “Your feedback is important to us.” However, how ideal it would be if they meant it and actually incorporated customer feedback into their business processes.

    Don’t collect feedback just for the sake of it. Customers should not feel as though their feedback was disregarded. Respond to your consumers’ feedback as quickly as feasible and provide individualized solutions.

    Automated responses can be an excellent initial point of contact, but it’s always better to provide a human touch and have a someone handle it. Automation is good. Use it. But nothing can replace the prescience of a human being.

    You can also implement a monitoring system to observe what transpires during feedback interactions and make consistent efforts to enhance the processes.

  5. Build a Vibrant User Community and Provide Positive Experiences – Every Single Day: In all honesty, this can be tough. So what you can do about it?
    NextBee gives your team access to a smart customer relationship management toolkit.
    By providing positive purchasing experiences, you can leverage the platform’s 360-degree approach and robust analytics features to retain existing customers.
    Higher levels of customer satisfaction results in more positive word-of-mouth, allowing you to acquire new customers more frequently.
    In addition, you can increase the lifetime value of your consumers with the brand, expedite induction and training, and facilitate personalized communication with your clients.



When you have a clear understanding of the various touchpoints in your purchasers’ journey and routinely solicit customer feedback, you make tremendous strides in delivering higher levels of customer satisfaction.
As consumers develop an emotional attachment to your brand, they continue to send referrals to friends and family, and share their reviews and positive experiences on social media platforms.
Contact our team of experts for a free consultation and a live demo. We will be glad to talk to you.

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